11 research outputs found

    Uji Aktivitas Bakteri Amilolitik pada Pencernaan Ikan Udikan (Tor sp.) Tangkapan Sungai Banjaran, Kabupaten Banyumas.

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    Ikan Udikan (Tor sp.) merupakan ikan endemik di Sungai Banjaran, Kabupaten Banyumas. Ikan ini mulai terancam keberadaannya dikarenakan penangkapan berlebih dan kerusakan habitat. Untuk menjaga populasinya agar tidak punah diperlukan upaya domestikasi. Diperlukan informasi gambaran ikan makan di habitatnya sebelum dilakukan domestikasi. Dalam proses pencernaan karbohidrat pada ikan, bakteri amilolitik yang menghasilkan enzim amilase berperan penting dalam mencerna karbohidrat menjadi gula (glukosa). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keberadaan dan tingkat aktivitas bakteri amilolitik pada saluran pencernaan ikan Udikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode observasi dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Kelimpahan bakteri dihitung menggunakan metode total plate count (TPC), sedangkan aktivitas amilolitik diukur melalui uji hidrolisis pati 1%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan bakteri pada saluran pencernaan ikan Udikan yaitu 3,79 x 106. Dari 6 isolat koloni bakteri yang diuji, sekitar 33% diantaranya memiliki aktivitas amilolitik, sementara 66% koloni lainnya tidak menunjukkan aktivitas tersebut. Indeks aktivitas amilolitik yang diperoleh berkisar 0,28 hingga 1,54 yang termasuk rendah hingga sedang

    Production and Characterization of Bio-Briquettes from Coconut Leaves and Cassava Peels

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    Bio-briquettes from a mixture of coconut leaves charcoal and cassava peels charcoal have been produced and characterized in this study. The analysis carried out included density, burning rate, water content, ash content, and calorific value. Bio-briquette samples were produced with composition variations between coconut leaves charcoal and cassava peels charcoal with mass percentage ratios of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, 0:100. The mixture used to produce briquettes with a ratio of tapioca flour, water and charcoal as raw materials is 1.5:1.5:2. The results of the study show that the density and calorific value of bio-briquettes increases with the increase in the amount of cassava peel in the briquette content. The optimum bio-briquette product from this research was found in variations of coconut leaves and cassava peels with a ratio of 75:25. Where density is 0.96 g/ml, burning rate is 0.190 g/min, water content is 3%, the ash content is 18.81%, and the calorific value is 3521.47 Cal/g

    Rancang Bangun Timbangan Berat Badan Berbasis IoT

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    Because being alone and doing activities at home often triggers weight gain during a pandemic like this, maintaining your weight is actually important for maintaining overall body health. Because being overweight or obese can be a trigger for several diseases, many people stop losing weight by reducing food intake or even by not eating. In fact, this method is wrong and can be very dangerous if done. Instead of achieving the ideal body weight, not eating can actually affect your overall body health. Based on this, this study aims to design a weighing system to make it easier to check your weight which then provides information on whether or not your body weight is measured. The results of the measured body weight can be seen via a smartphone in real time based on IoT technology which is monitored remotely using an application. The research method used includes system design, electronics design, and hardware design, testing and data collection.

    Evaluasi program pendidikan dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran di SD Swasta PAB Sampali Medan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana evaluasi program pendidikan dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran di SD Swasta Sampali Medan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dimana peneliti mendapatkan informasi dari proses wawancara dan dokumentasi serta observasi di SD Swasta Sampali Medan. Hasil penelitian adanya evaluasi program pendidikan di sekolah ini cukup bagus karna setiap evaluasi guru-guru akan tau dimana kekurangan mereka dan belajar untuk memperbaiki lebih baik dan memberikan pengajar yang baik kepada siswa-siswa agar mendapatkan mutu pembelajaran yang lebih baik

    Pembentukan Rumah Vegetatif Tanaman Hias Sebagai Wadah Pemberdayaan Ibu Rumah Tangga Desa Sipungguk, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau

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    Pandemic Covid-19 has caused new hobbies in the community. One of them is housewives in Sipungguk Village, Salo Sub-Regency, Kampar Regenci, Riau. Their new hobby is the ornamental gardening. However, the limited income and the price of ornamental plants is increasing, so they are reconsidering in adding their collection. Based on the background, this activity aims to: 1) Train the partners (housewives) in ornamental vegetative propagation; 2) Calculate the percentage of live ornamental plants that have been propagated vegetatively; and 3) Initiate the establishment of an ornamental plant vegetative house (Ruvetas) an an business for the partners.  The activity stages consisted of socialization, training and practice in making the planting media, cutting of Aglaonema and Caladium, cutting and grafting of Bugenvil, plants maintenance, as well as the ornamental plant business education. The results showed there were siginificantly knowledge improvement to the housewives, specifically in ornamental plants introduction (34%), making the planting media (45%), Aglaonema and Caladium cuttings (27%), Bugenvil cutting and grafting (45%), plants maintenance (33%), and ornamental plant business education (38%). The percentage of live ornamental plants that have been propagated vegetatively by the partners showed the high survival rate, namely 86% of Aglaonema cutting, 90% of Caladium cutting, 100% of Bugenvil cutting, as well as 67% of Bugenvil grafting. As an effort in initiating RUVETAS establishment and a business, the ornamental plants have been sold directly and thorugh digital platform in social media (Instagram dan Facebook), also in digital marketplace (Shopee). Housewives knowledge, skills, and business initiatves for ornamental plants have been significantly increased thorugh this activity.  Pandemic Covid-19 has caused new hobbies in the community. One of them is housewives in Sipungguk Village, Salo Sub-Regency, Kampar Regenci, Riau. Their new hobby is the ornamental gardening. However, the limited income and the price of ornamental plants is increasing, so they are reconsidering in adding their collection. Based on the background, this activity aims to: 1) Train the partners (housewives) in ornamental vegetative propagation; 2) Calculate the percentage of live ornamental plants that have been propagated vegetatively; and 3) Initiate the establishment of an ornamental plant vegetative house (Ruvetas) an an business for the partners.  The activity stages consisted of socialization, training and practice in making the planting media, cutting of Aglaonema and Caladium, cutting and grafting of Bugenvil, plants maintenance, as well as the ornamental plant business education. The results showed there were siginificantly knowledge improvement to the housewives, specifically in ornamental plants introduction (34%), making the planting media (45%), Aglaonema and Caladium cuttings (27%), Bugenvil cutting and grafting (45%), plants maintenance (33%), and ornamental plant business education (38%). The percentage of live ornamental plants that have been propagated vegetatively by the partners showed the high survival rate, namely 86% of Aglaonema cutting, 90% of Caladium cutting, 100% of Bugenvil cutting, as well as 67% of Bugenvil grafting. As an effort in initiating RUVETAS establishment and a business, the ornamental plants have been sold directly and thorugh digital platform in social media (Instagram dan Facebook), also in digital marketplace (Shopee). Housewives knowledge, skills, and business initiatves for ornamental plants have been significantly increased thorugh this activity

    Analisis Studi Kelayakan Bisnis Ditinjau dari Aspek Hukum, Pemasaran, dan Produksi pada Usaha Tempe Giling Bersih Dahlan (DHL)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai kelayakan usaha Usaha Tempe Giling Bersih Dahlan (DHL) dari segi non finansial. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat non finansial dan mencakup beberapa aspek seperti aspek hukum, aspek pemasaran, dan aspek produksi. Berdasar analisis data studi kelayakan bisnis , hasil penelitian pada Usaha Tempe Giling Bersih Dahlan (DHL) dinyatakan layak dari segi hukum karena telah memiliki badan hukum yang jelas yaitu SKDU, SIUP, sertifikasi Halal. Aspek pemasaran menunjukkan Usaha Tempe Giling Bersih Dahlan (DHL) dinyatakan layak, terlihat dari skala penjualan yang semakin luas di dukung dari faktor harga yang terjangkau, saluran distribusi yang luas, dan promosi yang dilakukan untuk memperkenalkan produk. Terakhir hasil analisis dari aspek produksi menunjukkan bahwa Usaha Tempe Giling Bersih Dahlan (DHL) dikatakan layak dan dapat dikembangkan dengan mempertimbangkan lokasi, bahan baku yang berkualitas tinggi, teknologi yang canggih, dan proses produksi yang mudah. Kesimpulan dari penelitian pada ketiga aspek diatas, Usaha Tempe Giling Bersih Dahlan (DHL) dinyatakan layak

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Teknologi Melalui Penerapan Mesin Reverse Osmosis (RO) pada Usaha Depot Air Isi Ulang BUMDesa Unggul Sari

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    This service activity aims to empower the community through the introduction of PDAM water treatment technology into suitable water for consumption in the form of applying Reverse Osmosis (RO) 200 GDP to BUM refill water depot businesses in Unggul Sari Village, Wonosari Village, Bengkalis Regency. The method of implementing this service used participatory training and mentoring. Evaluation of this service used was the Community Service Management standard listed in Permenristekdikti Number 44 of 2015. This community service activity resulted in the realization of a BUM Unggul Sari Village BUM refill water depot business, Wonosari Village, with a refillable water production capacity of 65 gallons per day. In addition, partners could operate technology with a Reverse Osmosis membrane system

    Pengembangan Aplikasi E-Commerce

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    Perkembangan teknologi dalam kehidupan dimulai dari proses sederhana dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sampai pada tingkat pemenuhan kepuasan sebagai individu dan makhluk sosial. Dari masa ke masa kemajuan teknologi terus berkembang, mulai dari era teknologi pertanian, era teknologi industri, era teknologi informasi, dan era teknologi komunikasi dan informasi. Perkembangan ini membawa berbagai dampak dalam kehidupan bermasayarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara, setiap individu tertarik untuk mengunakan dan memanfaatkan setiap perkembangan ini. Berbeda dengan perkembangan aplikasi di dunia nyata yang bermula dari paket-paket aplikasi yang bersifat fungsional, di dunia maya beragam aplikasi e-commerce dibangun berdasarkan paradigma proses (business process)

    Once-Weekly Somapacitan as an Alternative Management of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Prepubertal Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Growth hormone treatment has effectively restored normal growth in children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD); however, it poses challenges in compliance with a daily growth hormone injection regimen, leading to low adherence and persistence rates. Once-weekly Somapacitan is a potential alternative for treating children with GHD. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and adherence of once-weekly subcutaneous Somapacitan compared to daily growth hormone injection in prepubertal children with GHD. A search for the published records was carried out on 17 October 2023 utilizing the searching feature available on PubMed, Embase, and Scopus. Primary study outcomes included (1) efficacy, measured by height velocity (HV), standard deviation score (SDs), height SDs, insulin-like growth factor-SDs (IGF-I SDs), and bone age vs. chronological age ratio (BA vs. CA); (2) safety, assessed through adverse events and injection site reactions; and (3) adherence, determined by the percentage of the sample completing treatments. Secondary outcomes evaluated disease burden scores, divided into three subgroup domains: emotional well-being, physical functional, and social well-being scores. We retrieved 6 studies that were eligible for the systematic review (417 versus 186 for intervention and control, respectively). Only 2 of the total included studies were eligible for pooled analysis (175 versus 82 for intervention and control, respectively). The efficacy profile of Somapacitan was similar to daily growth hormones, indicated by HV (mean difference (MD = 0.04; p = 0.96), HV SDs (MD = −0.71; p = 0.09), height SDs (MD = 0.11; p = 0.69), IGF-I SDs (MD = 0.06; p = 0.70), and CA vs. BA (MD = 0.67; p = 0.70)), demonstrated similar and non-inferior outcomes. Treatment adherence is 3 times higher in the Somapacitan group as compared to control (OR = 3.02; p = 0.03) with adherence rates reaching 95% and 88% for Somapacitan and Norditropin®, respectively. The disease burden measurement is similar in Somapacitan and daily growth hormones (MD = −0.62; p = 0.83), as indicated by the Growth Hormone Deficiency–Child Impact Measure. In almost all outcomes, the level of confidence is strong. The confidence level in the data is generally strong, but for CA vs. BA and the subgroup of severe adverse events with heterogeneity >50%, the confidence level is moderate. Although the efficacy and safety profiles of Somapacitan were found to be similar to those of daily growth hormones, a reduced frequency of once-weekly Somapacitan injections led to increased adherence. PROSPERO registration: CRD42023473209

    In silico molecular docking and molecular dynamics examination of Andrographis paniculata compounds of Andrographolide, Neoandrographolide, and 5-hydroxy-7,8,2’,3’-tetramethoxyflavone inhibition activity to SARS-CoV-2 main protease

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    In this work, Andrographis paniculata compounds of Andrographolide, Neoandrographolide, and 5-hydroxy-7,8,2’,3’-tetramethoxyflavone inhibition activity to SARS CoV-2 main protease were examined through in silico molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation, with Remdesivir as control ligand. Docking score and MMGBSA were examined as well as molecular dynamics parameters: RMSD, RMSF and Protein ligand contact fraction. Our study found that Andrographis paniculata compounds of Andrographolide, Neoandrographolide, and 5-hydroxy-7,8,2’,3’-tetramethoxyflavone have comparable inhibition activity to SARS CoV-2 main protease in comparison to Remdesivir. 5-hydroxy7,8,2’,3’-tetramethoxyflavone has the lowest docking score, which was further validated by protein ligand contact fraction examination, although MMGBSA score is lowest for Remdesivir